Tofu Soup

Tofu Soup
Sauce ingredients:

* 1 tablespoon cooking oil
* 1 tsp sesame oil
* 3 cloves garlic, crushed
* 2 cm ginger, crushed
* 1 quart chicken broth
* Salt and pepper to taste
* 100 grams button mushrooms, sliced
* 2 carrots, sliced according to taste
* 50 grams suun, soaked until soft water
* 1 sheet of beancurd, cut into pieces, soak water

Material contents:

* 1 out of white fruit, puree
* 200 grams of fish tengiri, puree
* 1 tbsp corn starch
* 1 egg white
* Salt, pepper, and sugar to taste
* 1 tablespoon chopped celery
* Sufficient amount of oil, for frying


* Sliced green onions


1. Sauce: heat the cooking oil with sesame oil, saute garlic until fragrant. Enter into the broth, add the ginger, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil. Enter the mushrooms, carrots and beancurd, cook a minute, remove from heat.
2. Contents: Mix knew, tengiri fish, corn starch, egg white, salt, pepper, and sugar, stir well, add chopped celery and stir well.
3. Heat the cooking oil, fried dough a teaspoon of the contents each time, until cooked, remove from heat.
4. Presentation: preparing a bowl, arrange suun, pour the sauce and filling, add the fried tofu, sprinkle with scallions and serve warm

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments