Cooking Fish dibotoh

Cooking Fish dibotoh

* 500 grams of snapper fish / fish pomfret cut
* 100 grams of young cassava leaves are boiled and chopped
* 75 grams of chopped leaves mangkokan
* 50 g basil leaves
* 50 grams of taro leaves / white taro boiled and chopped
* 3 stalks chopped Citronella
* 5 lime leaves
* 7 fruits vegetables cut round Carambola
* 1000 ml dilute Santan

Spices that are:

* 4 cloves garlic
* 5 pieces of red onion
* 3 cm turmeric
* 2 slices ginger
* 5 pieces of red pepper
* 5 grains Pecan


* Heat the coconut milk until boiling dilute fish enter, the spice paste, lemongrass until half-cooked fish.
* Then put all ingredients, reduce heat, leave until everything is cooked.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments