Dried Anchovy Salted Peanut Tempeh

Dried Anchovy Salted Peanut Tempeh

* 500 grams tempeh, cut into match
* 150 grams of peanuts, fried
* 100 grams of salted anchovies, fried
* Cooking oil to taste
* 3 large red hot pepper, discard the contents, thin diagonal slices
* 2 bay leaves
* 2 cm galangal, smashed
* 50 ml water
* 5 tablespoons brown sugar sliced
* 2 tbsp tamarind water java
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 5 tablespoons fried onions
* 3 tbsp fried garlic

How to Make:

1. Heat the cooking oil, fry tempeh until crispy, remove and set aside.
2. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to fry, saute the red pepper until wilted, remove from heat.
3. Saute bay leaves and galangal briefly, enter the water, brown sugar, tamarind water, and salt. After boiling, put fried tempeh, stir red pepper, fried onions, fried garlic, roasted peanuts, and salted anchovies, stir, remove from heat.
4. Serve

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments