Mussel Soup

Mussel Soup

* 1 kg of cleaned green shell (the shell) to net
* 250 gr squid that have been weeded (white)
* 4 cloves Garlic minced
* 4 tablespoons fish sauce
* 2 tablespoons ground pepper
* 2 leeks
* 10 pieces cut into two parts cayenne pepper
* 3 Citronella fruit digeprak
* 2 tbsp coriander leaves
* 1000 ml water fish broth
* 100 ml oil
* 1 sachet of seasoning broth
* 4 tablespoons juice


* Heat the oil until really hot. Then stir-fry garlic until golden brown, put soy sauce, minced chili and lemongrass until cooked.
* Enter the mussels and squid, and cook until just cooked.
* Add the fish broth, tomatoes, chili, chives, seasoning broth.
* Cook until the shells split and cooked. Sprinkle with coriander leaves
* Serve.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments