Roll Steamed Tiramisu

Roll Steamed Tiramisu Recipes

Material I:
7 egg yolks
4 egg whites
175 gr sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 tsp vanilla powder
8 ounces cake emulsifier

Materials II (Mix & Sift)
175 gr flour
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder

Materials III (Melt)
50 gr butter
50 g margarine

Materials IV
1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons pasta tiramisu

Materials V (Vla)
3 egg yolks
40 g cake flour
350 ml of liquid milk
100 gr sugar
1 / 4 tsp vanilla powder
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 tsp pasta tiramisu
30 gr butter

1. Mix ingredients and beat until fluffy I became one and viscous
2. Enter a few Demis edikit II material until blended. Pour the ingredients stirring gently to level III, IV, add the ingredients mix well again
3. Adonana Pour into two pan sizes 30 * 30 * 2 cm who had dioles dengans edikit dialas oil and baking paper
4. Pengukus steamed in the pan for 15 minutes until cooked, remove, cool
5. V materials: Mix all ingredients together, strain. Then cook over apis edang until thickened and cooked through, remove and let cool
6. Take a fruit cake, basting circuitry vla until blended. Roll up solid, let stand briefly in refrigerator
7.Potong into pieces and serve

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments