Pastel Milkfish Recipes

Pastel Milkfish Recipes


* 200 gr rice flour

* 1 chicken eggs

* 1 tablespoon margarine

* 125 cc liquid milk

* A little salt

Contents ragout milkfish:

* 200 gr milkfish Presto

* 2 tablespoons sliced carrots form a small square

* 1 tbsp finely chopped green onion

* 1 / 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery leaves

* 1 tablespoon chopped shallots

* Ground pepper to taste

* 1 / 2 tsp nutmeg powder

* Salt to taste

* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, for sauteing


1. Create skin: Mix all ingredients, knead until smooth and not stick in hand. Milled to a thickness of 3 mm thin, then print using a mouth round glasses.

2. Make a ragout of milkfish:

1. Take the meat of milkfish presto, puree. Set aside

2. Saute onion until wilted, enter the green onion, stir. Enter the carrots, the meat of milkfish, and all seasonings. Pour a little water, stirring until the sauce is finished, then lift.

3. The contents of each sheet of skin with a ragout of milkfish, and then bend into a half moon. Press the edges with a fork so that lateral-lateral. Do the same thing to complete. Fry until crispy, remove from heat.


Because eggs are not the same size, while reserving a little milk mengadoni. If dough is still not enough to dipulung add a little milk.

This recipe was made for 10 fruit pastels

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments