Japanesse Cheese Cake Recipe

Japanesse Cheese Cake Recipe


50 gr flour
50 gr cornstarch

60 g unsalted butter
250 gr cream cheese, leave at room temperature
120 ml whipped cream
3 egg yolks
1 egg
2 tsp grated lemon skin
5 egg whites
1 / 8 teaspoon salt
125 gr caster sugar
1 tsp lemon juice


2 tablespoons apricot jam
2 tablespoons water


1.Siapkan pairs unloading trays 22 cm, basting with butter spreader pan, or oval baking dish can also use this recipe .... could be two oval trays
2.Panaskan oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
3.Campur butter, cream cheese and whip cream in a saucepan.
4.Didihkan low heat, stirring until smooth, remove from fire.
5.Masukkan flour mixture and stir well.
6.Masukkan egg yolks and 1 egg, mix well.
7.Masukkan skin of lemon, stir well and set aside.
8.Kocok egg whites until frothy, put sugar and lemon juice gradually while continuing to be shaken to form blunt cones (soft peak).
9.Tuang third egg white mixture into cream cheese mixture and stir well.
10.Tuang this mixture into the remaining egg white mixture and stir well.
11.Tuang batter into pan, bake au bain marie way, approximately 60 minutes until the surface of ripe, golden yellow.
12.Keluarkan from oven.
13.Setelah really cool, remove cake from pan.
14.Panaskan apricot jam and water, apply to the surface cheesecake.Atau decorative tastes

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments