Native Recipes Sambal

Native Recipes Sambal


500 gr of white rice
250 gr of white glutinous rice
750 cc coconut milk from half coconut
salt to taste
banana leaves (for wrapping)

Buras sauce ingredients:

Grated coconut from half coconut
100 gr dried shrimp (dried shrimp), finely crushed
2 red chillies
2 para bw. red
1 clove bw. white
salt to taste
sugar to taste


1. Mix the rice with glutinous rice, wash, then drain. Place into a pan, pour coconut milk that has been spiked with salt. Cook until half cooked and coconut milk soak, aduk2, lift. Leave it for half an hour, then aduk2.
2. Take a piece of banana leaf, fill with 2 tablespoons of cooked rice, roll both ends like a bundle of banana cake. If all the rice was wrapped in, Put every two wrap, tie with string.
3. Boil until cooked kira2 domestic poultry three hours, then remove from heat. Talk to eat with chili

How to make chili talk to:

Mash all the ingredients finely, mix with grated coconut, and toasted until yellow. insert seasoning dried shrimp, aduk2 kept over low heat until crispy, remove from heat.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments