Ebi trays Recipes

Ebi trays Recipes


For top layer:

* 125 cc coconut milk

* A little salt

* 1 / 2 tbsp cornflour

* 1 tbsp rice flour

For bottom layer:

* 500 gr rice flour

* 125 gr starch

* + / - 750 cc liquid warm coconut milk

* 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

* A little salt

For the topping:

* 500 gr dried shrimp that have been finely ground

* 2 cloves garlic

* 2 kaffir lime leaves

* 1 red chilli

* Sugar and salt to taste

* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, for sauteing

How to Make:

1. Make the top layer: Mix the two kinds of flour and salt, then pour the stirred-santannya mix well, set aside.

2. Make topping: finely crushed all the spices and stir-fry until fragrant. Enter the dried shrimp, stirring constantly, until dry. Lift.

3. Create the bottom layer: Mix the two kinds of flour together, pour a little warm liquid coconut milk, stirring until dough is quite weak for dipulung, then knead. Melt the remaining coconut milk, sugar bubuhi sand and salt, mix well.

4. Heat a small molds for cakes in the steamer trays. Pour batter into the bottom layer molds are up to half a part. Steamed until cooked.

5. Pour the batter top with the top layer. Steam again until cooked. Lift. Sprinkle with topping ingredients. If the mold has cooled remove the riding.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments