Noodle Recipes Schotel Oyan

Noodle Recipes Schotel Oyan

1 packet dried egg noodles * 3 pieces of content so .... weighs about 200gr *, flush with hot water .. let it drain, soft ...
5 medium size eggs, shake off
200 cc milk
100 gr beef / chicken / tuna chopped
1 large carrot sticks or 2 small chopped fine ..
3 thinly sliced leeks
1 onion finely sliced
1sdm margarine
pepper, nutmeg, salt to taste

1 egg beaten off
panir flour
oil for frying

1. Heat the butter, saute onion until fragrant, add minced meat stir briefly, remove from fire
2. Place the noodles, eggs, milk, carrots, green onion, minced meat and onions, put pepper, salt and nutmeg powder
3. Stir well
4. Prepare the pan size 20 * 20 spread with margarine or cooking oil
5. Prepare a steamer, let the water boil
6. Pour batter in pan, steamed until cooked. Chill
7. Once chilled, cut into pieces .. dip in beaten egg ... roll in flour panir ... fried till golden brown
8. Serve ....

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments