Recipes Bongko Mentor

Recipes Bongko Mentor


* 250 gr rice flour

* 2 eggs

* Salt to taste

* Water sufficiently + / - 500cc

* Thick coconut milk, salt lightly

To Content:

* Papaya, select fruit that is still white / white pumpkin

* 150 gr shredded cooked chicken meat

* 1 tsp coriander

* 1 / 2 tsp cumin

* 4 cloves garlic

* 4 pcs red onion

* 1 MTD galangal

* 1 MTD kencur

* 1 BTR hazelnut

* 1 / 2 tsp acid

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 / 2 tsp sugar

* 2 kaffir lime leaves lbr

* Pepper powder

* 125 cc coconut milk

How to Make:

1. Create an omelet: Beat eggs briefly, pour into the rice flour, salt lightly. Pour enough water while stirring until the dough is fairly liquid. Pour enough batter into a flat non-stick frying pan, and make the omelet.

2. Create content:

1. Finely mashed all the spices, except the galangal and kaffir lime leaves. Saute with a little oil until fragrant. Insert slices of papaya, chicken, galangal, and kaffir lime leaves, and cook, stirring briefly.


3. Ambl a griddle, place dough on it contents, then fold and roll like a spring roll.

4. Put on a piece of young banana leaves, pour 1 tbsp thick coconut milk on top. Wrap like a wrap gado-gado, Pin by a stick / biting. Do the same thing to finish, steamed until cooked and the leaves withered.

Recipes are made for less than 6 Wrap

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments