Croquette Bread Recipes

Croquette Bread Recipes

10 lbr bread without skin
400 cc of milk
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 beaten egg a minute
panir powder to taste

Material Content: / b>
150 gr chicken meat, minced
100 g carrots, cut into small dice
50 ounces button mushrooms, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons of thinly sliced celery stalks
50 gr onion, chopped
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 4 teaspoon pepper
1 / 4 tsp fine nutmeg
1 tablespoon margarine for sauteing
1 tbsp plain flour

Contents: / b>
Tumus onion until translucent, put chicken meat, carrots and mushrooms, stirring until the water boiled and raw meat out, put celery and spices. Sprinkle flour stirred smooth. Lift chill.

How to Make:
Stir in milk, eggs, salt, and pepper. Dip a piece of bread, pick up the tap-tap with a fork so that a bit dry. Fill with 2-3 tsp of dough content, fold in half, press the edges to stick. Dip in a beaten egg and 1 tablespoon of liquid grandchildren, and roll in flour panir. Fry in hot oil until browned, remove from heat.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments