Vegetables Bobor

Vegetables Bobor

* 250 gr white pumpkin, peeled, thinly sliced

* 1 bunch spinach, siangi

* 1 bunch basil, leaves picked

* 2 bay leaves

* 2 cm galangal, smashed

* 600 ml coconut milk from a coconut

Spice in the blend:

* 5 red onions

* 3 cloves garlic

* 1 tsp coriander, toasted

* 1 cm kencur

* 1 teaspoon salt

* 1 tablespoon granulated sugar


Coconut sambal:

* 2 large red chili pepper fruit

* 5 pieces of red cayenne pepper

* 2 cloves garlic

* 2 cm kencur

* 1 teaspoon shrimp paste fried

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 tsp sugar

* 1 / 2 and a half old coconut, grated

* 100 grams tempeh

* 3 jeruh leaves, sliced


1. Boil coconut milk with spices, bay leaves, and galangal.

2. Enter the spinach and basil, cook a minute, remove from heat.

3. Coconut sauce: chili puree, cayenne pepper, garlic, kencur, shrimp paste, salt, and sugar into one. After a fine, enter the coconut and pieces of tempeh, stir well, add lime leaves, stir, and steam for 15 minutes until cooked.

4. Serve with sambal bobor vegetable oil while warm.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments