Pepes Tahu

Pepes Tahu

* 1 large fruit out, puree
* 2 bay leaves
* 2 stalks lemon grass, sliced
* 3 lime leaves, sliced
* 16 pieces of green chilli pepper
* 50 ml thick coconut milk
* 1 egg

Spices that are:

* 5 large pieces of red chilli
* 5 red onions
* 3 cloves garlic
* 2 tsp salt
* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
* 1 tsp sugar


* Banana leaves and sticks penyemat

How to Make:

1. Mix the white that has been smoothened out with the spice paste and stir well.
2. Enter the coconut milk, eggs, and slices of lime leaves, stir well, for the dough into 4 parts.
3. Take two pieces of banana leaves, put the bay leaves and a good one part of the dough, give stems lemongrass and green chilli pepper, wrap the form of rice cake, and the peg with a stick.
4. Steam for 30 minutes until cooked, remove from heat.
5. Serve warm.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments