Tempe Sambal Santan

Tempe Sambal Santan

* 150 grams tempeh, cut according to taste
* 250 ml coconut milk from a coconut
* 3 sheets of orange leaves
* 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed

Spices that are:

* 6 large pieces of red chilli
* 8 pieces red chili sauce
* 5 cloves garlic
* 3 cm kencur

* 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
* Salt and sugar to taste


* Basil leaves to taste.

How to Make:

1. Cook the coconut milk with lime leaves, lemongrass, and spices until thickened and greasy grind, lift.
2. Brown tempeh on the fire, lift.
3. Prepare the plate, arrange tempeh, penyet until flattened. Pour the coconut milk sauce over it, complete the basil leaves.
4. Serve.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments