Asin Teri Botok Lamtoro


* One and a half old coconut, peeled, sliced lengthwise
* 100 grams of salted anchovies
* 150 grams lamtoro
* 3 large green peppers, sliced
* 5 sheets of lime leaves, sliced
* 2 cm ginger, sliced
* 12 bay leaves
li> 18 pieces of red cayenne pepper

Spices that are:

* 3 large pieces of red chilli
* 5 red onions
* 3 cloves garlic
* 3 cm kencur
* 1 teaspoon shrimp paste cooked
* 1 tsp pepper
* 2 tsp salt
* 2 tsp sugar


* Banana leaves, sticks penyemat, and brown rice


1. Mix the grated coconut, salted anchovies, lamtoro and ground spices, mix well. Add chopped green chilies, sliced lime leaves, and slices of ginger and stir well.
2. Take two pieces of banana leaf, put a bay leaf, and cayenne botok dough, wrap the form of piles.
3. Steam for 20 minutes until cooked.
4. Serve warm with brown rice.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments