Tempe rempeyek

Tempe rempeyek

* 300 gr tempeh, thinly sliced

* 8 sheets of lime leaves, sliced

For the dough:

* 250 grams of rice flour

* 350 ml coconut milk from half coconut

* 1 egg

* Salt and pepper to taste

* Sufficient amount of oil, for frying

Spices that are:

* 3 cloves garlic

* 2 cm kencur

* 1 tablespoon toasted coriander


1. Dough: Mix the rice flour, coconut milk, eggs, salt, and pepper, stir well. Add the ground spices and sliced lime leaves, stir


2. Heat the cooking oil, dip tempeh slices into batter and fry until cooked, dried, remove from heat. Serve.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments