Sambal Goreng Lung

Sambal Goreng Lung

* 400 g lung diced boiled until tender
* 3 medium size potatoes diced
* 5 red chilies chopped deseeded unfaithful
* 50 g peas
* 3 cm galangal digeprek
* 2 bay leaves
* 200 ml thick coconut milk
* 3 tablespoons cooking oil
* 1 tablespoon brown sugar combed
* 10 divided into three parts fruit petai

Spices that are:

* 12 pieces of red chilli deseeded
* 4 cloves garlic
* 5 pieces of red onion
* 2 eyes acid
* 1 teaspoon salt


* Lung and fried potatoes 3 / 4 cooked
* Saute the spice paste and galangal and salam with cooking oil until fragrant and ripe, then enter the petai, chili, lung and potatoes mix well
* Add the coconut milk and brown sugar until a little bit dry, put peas stir briefly. Lift

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments