Tofu Tempeh bacem

Tofu Tempeh bacem

* 300 grams tempeh
* 10 small white fruit knew
* 500 ml water or coconut water
* 100 grams of white ground spices, see here
* 3 bay leaves
* 2 pieces of galangal, smashed
* 2 tablespoons brown sugar comb
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
* 50 ml cooking oil

Supplementary Material

* Chili pepper

How to Make:

1. Cut the tempeh is equal to know
2. Cooking tempeh with water / coconut milk, bay leaves, galangal, palm sugar, salt, and pepper. Cook until dry. Add cooking oil and fry immediately until browned, remove from heat.
3. Serve warm with chili sauce.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments