Otak-otak recipe

Otak-otak recipe


* 250 gr dagomg mackerel olam

* 1 egg white

* 2 tbsp corn starch

* 125 cc coconut milk

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper

* 6bh shallot puree

* 2 tablespoons finely chopped green onion

* Banana leaves to taste

For the vinegar sauce:

* 3 cloves garlic

* 3 BTR fried hazelnut

* 3 red chillies

* 1 tsp sugar

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 / 2 tablespoons vinegar

* A little boiled water

How to Make:

1. Puree the flesh of mackerel fish with salt. Add egg whites, mix well. Enter spices, corn flour, green onion, and coconut milk, stir well.

2. Prepare pusang leaves into squares, place 2 tablespoons of fish batter. Wrap, Pin by a stick. Do the same thing until the dough is finished.

3. Prepare a steamer and steam until cooked brains. Lift. Before serving can be roasted first.

4. Serve with vinegar sauce.

5. Create a vinegar sauce: Grind garlic, walnut, red pepper, sugar, and salt. Give the vinegar and boiled water, stir well.

For 10 pack

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments