Archive for August 2010

Chocolate Souffle Recipes

Chocolate Souffle Recipes

# 250 ml of liquid milk
# 125 grams of cooking chocolate / chocolate block
# 1sdm cornstarch
# 2 tbsp plain flour
# 4 of egg white grains
# 4 egg yolks
# 60 grams butter
# 80 grams sugar
# Powdered sugar to decorate


1. Melt the chocolate block, milk and sugar over low heat until chocolate is melted and boiling, then remove from heat.
2. Exhausting the butter, add cornstarch and flour, stirring until blended.
3. Beat the egg whites until stiff using an electric mixer, after rigid enter the egg yolks one at a time until well blended.
4. Pour melted chocolate that has been into the egg mixture, stirring until blended.
5. Enter the last batter to the pan / heat resistant bowls, then put it in the oven and bake in a temperature of 180 degrees C for 45 minutes. Lift.
6. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Serves 10 cups @ 200 ml

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

Ingredients A:
6 eggs
125 gr sugar
1 tsp emulsifier
225 flour
25 gr milk powder
150 gr melted butter

Material B:
150 gr melted chocolate block

Ingredients C:
300 gr cream cheese * cheddar cheese asilnya use the whipped with fresh milk *, beat until smooth

kecil2 cut raisins or dates

1. Prepare a square baking pan, basting with butter thinly
2.Kocok eggs, sugar and emulsifier till white and thick
3. Enter tepug flour, powdered milk and dates, mix well
4. Enter the melted butter, mix well
5.BAgi 2 batter, one part of melted chocolate mixed with one part .. again mixed with cream cheese
6.Tuang chocolate batter in pan, then pour batter evenly distribute the cheese .... To use the effects of zebra .. turn the skewer-played in the mixture
7.Panggang with a temperature of 180 degrees C till cooked
8. Cut cooked ...

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Noodle Recipes Schotel Oyan

Noodle Recipes Schotel Oyan

1 packet dried egg noodles * 3 pieces of content so .... weighs about 200gr *, flush with hot water .. let it drain, soft ...
5 medium size eggs, shake off
200 cc milk
100 gr beef / chicken / tuna chopped
1 large carrot sticks or 2 small chopped fine ..
3 thinly sliced leeks
1 onion finely sliced
1sdm margarine
pepper, nutmeg, salt to taste

1 egg beaten off
panir flour
oil for frying

1. Heat the butter, saute onion until fragrant, add minced meat stir briefly, remove from fire
2. Place the noodles, eggs, milk, carrots, green onion, minced meat and onions, put pepper, salt and nutmeg powder
3. Stir well
4. Prepare the pan size 20 * 20 spread with margarine or cooking oil
5. Prepare a steamer, let the water boil
6. Pour batter in pan, steamed until cooked. Chill
7. Once chilled, cut into pieces .. dip in beaten egg ... roll in flour panir ... fried till golden brown
8. Serve ....

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Steamed Brownies Recipes

Steamed Brownies Recipes


Wheat flour 200 grams triangle
400 grams granulated sugar
8 eggs
1 / 2 cans sweetened condensed milk chocolate
300 ml cooking oil *
1 / 2 bottle of pasta Mocca
1 / 2 ounces cocoa powder
1 / 2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tbsp SP
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
brown rice / messes sufficiently


1.Ayak flour, cocoa powder and set aside SP.
2.Kocok eggs and sugar until dissolved enter the dry ingredients stir well, add condensed milk, pasta Mocca, vanilla and salt,
last enter the cooking oil, mix, divided into two dough.
3.Masukkan in size 22x22 cm baking pan that has been dioles margarine thin and covered with baking paper.
4.Masukan first batter, steam for 15 minutes over low heat,
after a dry surface sprinkled with the messes, sprinkle with crushed almond pieces that already .. enter the second batter,
5.Kukus + / - 30 minutes or until cooked.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Nagasari Cut

Recipes Nagasari Cut


200 gr rice flour
3 tbsp corn starch farm
375 ml water
Rather thick coconut milk 650 ml
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 lbr pandan leaves, shredded, conclude
4 pieces of plantain, steamed briefly envied 1 cm ..


1. Cover a baking pan with banana leaves until past the edge of steam trays ready ... .. set aside
2. Stir the rice flour, corn starch, and water
3. Boil and stir in coconut milk with salt, sugar and pandan. Add the solution of the flour, stirring until boiling and exploding-letup. Discard pandan leaf, stir bananas enter
4. Pour into greased adonana. Flatten the dough with the back of a spoon or a small piece of banana leaf. Cover with a piece of banana leaf
5. Steamed until cooked more or less 20 minutes

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Ubee Roll Cake Recipe

Ubee Roll Cake Recipe

7 egg yolks BTR
4 egg whites BTR
80 gr sugar
1 tbsp emulsifier
1 tbsp milk powder
60 gr purple flour sariumbi
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tbsp water

65 gr butter, melted margarine can optionally * *

blueberries jam ... strawberries may also

1. Prepare a roll pan, smear margarine tipis2, dialas baking paper for easy time taking them off.

2. Preheat Oven

3. Beat all ingredients except butter, beat until the whites expands.

4. Enter stir butter ..

5. Pour batter into greased,

6. Bake approximately 20 minutes

7. Once cooked lift .. .. feedback on a paper bread / butter spread a clean napkin ... .. then on the roll ....

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Sweet Bread Recipes

Sweet Bread Recipes


500 gr flour
125 gr sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 tsp bread improver ..* if prescribed for one kg of flour is usually pake 4gr *
2 egg yolks
125 ml of liquid milk
Water 125 * can use warm water / cold water pake .. I'm usually cold / ice water *
15 gr instant yeast
80 gr butter / margarine * can also be mixed shortening / butter and white with a ratio of 1:1 *

2 egg yolks, beat off to spread

Filling Ingredients:
chocolate, cheese, bananas, beef, tuna


1. Stir all dry ingredients using a mixer at low speed, mixed origin
2. Enter the margarine, eggs, followed by water + milk, not water + milk mixture is poured all ... look, if the water is soft enough not to spend the hard part according ...
3. Mixer until smooth, smooth sign is withdrawn if continued could be stretched thin transparent sheet without tearing ...
4. After a dull dough rest 10 minutes ..
5. Flue gas, and then weighed sized @ 50 grams or to taste .. bigger is better ... because it will be finished faster .... hihihihi
6. Again 15 minutes rest
7. Kempiskan dough, exhaust gas ... .. fill with the filling as you like ....* form filling in order of time before, so that developers already taken care of first * ataur in baking pan that has been thin ajah dioles margarine
8. Longer rest 30-60 minutes ... then apply egg yolk * There is also a mixed liquid milk to make it more shiny ...
9. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C and bake the bread for about 10 minutes or until golden brown .. beautiful ... like it was drawn loohhhh hehehehe ....
10. Enjoy

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes ComRo

Recipes ComRo

500 gr grated cassava
1 / 2 coconut grated somewhat younger
2-3 finely sliced leeks
salt sekucupnya

One piece Oncom Bandung * hmm .. kira2 size 10 * 15cm so *
2 pieces of red chili pepper
cayenne pepper to taste more salty ok ...
2 medium-size pieces kencur, if love be added also
3 cloves garlic
salt, brown sugar to taste
little oil for sauteing

1. All the ingredients until evenly mixed dough skin, taste it ... if already fitted first set aside

1. Puree the red pepper, cayenne pepper, kencur, salt, sugar
2. Oncom mashed, mixed with the spice paste
3. Stir-fry everything, when it will enter a mature basil, stir well

1. Take enough dough skin, pipihkan.
2. Give the dough if you want to add one content cayenne fruit, round or somewhat flattened oval
3. Heat oil, fried golden brown

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Steamed Fruit Cake Recipe

Steamed Fruit Cake Recipe

Material I:
150 gr butter
150 gr margarine
10 gr cake emulsifier
220 gr brown sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 tsp vanilla powder

Material II:
4 eggs Antero

Materials III (mixed & daddy):
300 g high protein flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon seasoning spekuk

Materials IV:
180 ml evaporated milk

V Materials:
500 g mixed fruit
50 grams of red cherries, cut two
50 gr green cherries, cut two

1. Mix and shake Materials I become one until fluffy and white
2. Enter the second ingredient one at a time until mixed
3. Enter Bana III and IV in turn until well blended. Add ingredients V bit by bit slowly with a spatula until flat
4. Pour into greased 28 cm diameter tulban that has been smeared with a little oil and lined with baking paper
5. Steam for 1 hour until cooked

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Donut Recipes

Donut Recipes

400 gr flour disc
100 gr flour blue triangle
6 g instant yeast
200 ml water
40 grams of margarine / butter
65 ml of liquid milk
50 g egg yolk
2 g baking powder

1. mix all dry ingredients, put the egg yolks, milk and some water, stir gently
2. enter margarine, knead until smooth
3. dough rest for 10 minutes
4. roll the dough, printing with print donut
5. dough rest for 30-40 minutes
6. cooking oil

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Chocolate Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Pudding Recipe

Chocolate Pudding:
700 ml of liquid milk
Whip cream 300 ml
125 gr dark cooking chocolate, chopped
100 gr sugar
1 packet gelatin powder white
1 pack of plain jelly konyaku
25 gr cocoa powder, sifter

Vanilla custard filling:
500 ml of liquid milk
20 g cornstarch
1 tbsp custard powder
Gr 75 gr sugar
1 / 2 tsp vanilla extract or essence, if there vanilli

1. Place the milk, cocoa powder, cooking chocolate, sugar and two kinds of gelatin in a saucepan, stir
2. Jerangkan over medium heat, stirring, stirring until the chocolate samil late, enter the whip cream, stirring constantly until boiling, remove from fire
3. Pour in a mold that has been moistened with boiled water, let it cool.
4. Chill in refrigerator and serve it with custard filling

1. Custard powder, cornstarch and melted with a little milk, set aside
2. Put the milk and sugar over low heat, stir until sugar has melted and hot, enter the cornstarch mixture
3. Stirring constantly until boiling

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Orange Pudding Recipe

Orange Pudding Recipe

White layer:
1 packet agar-agar powder
Whip cream 350 ml
400 ml milk
100 gr sugar
essens vanilli

Yellow Lapis:
1 packet agar-agar powder
1 can of mandarin oranges (I use the brand of thieves), a blender briefly with water, add boiled water up to 400ml
150 ml water
150 gr sugar

White pudding:
1. Mix and dissolve milk, gelatin, vanilla, simmer, stirring frequently.
2. Put the sugar, stir until dissolved and boil remove from heat, set aside for a moment
3. Give whip cream and stir well.
4. Keadalam mold castings
5. Set aside

Yellow Pudding:
1. Combine juice, agar-agar and water, bring to a boil while stirring, put the sugar stirring until dissolved, remove from fire
2. Pour over pudding layer of white that has begun to harden
3. Chill
4. Ready to serve

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Japanesse Cheese Cake Recipe

Japanesse Cheese Cake Recipe


50 gr flour
50 gr cornstarch

60 g unsalted butter
250 gr cream cheese, leave at room temperature
120 ml whipped cream
3 egg yolks
1 egg
2 tsp grated lemon skin
5 egg whites
1 / 8 teaspoon salt
125 gr caster sugar
1 tsp lemon juice


2 tablespoons apricot jam
2 tablespoons water


1.Siapkan pairs unloading trays 22 cm, basting with butter spreader pan, or oval baking dish can also use this recipe .... could be two oval trays
2.Panaskan oven to 150 degrees Celsius.
3.Campur butter, cream cheese and whip cream in a saucepan.
4.Didihkan low heat, stirring until smooth, remove from fire.
5.Masukkan flour mixture and stir well.
6.Masukkan egg yolks and 1 egg, mix well.
7.Masukkan skin of lemon, stir well and set aside.
8.Kocok egg whites until frothy, put sugar and lemon juice gradually while continuing to be shaken to form blunt cones (soft peak).
9.Tuang third egg white mixture into cream cheese mixture and stir well.
10.Tuang this mixture into the remaining egg white mixture and stir well.
11.Tuang batter into pan, bake au bain marie way, approximately 60 minutes until the surface of ripe, golden yellow.
12.Keluarkan from oven.
13.Setelah really cool, remove cake from pan.
14.Panaskan apricot jam and water, apply to the surface cheesecake.Atau decorative tastes

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Sus Cake Recipes

Sus Cake Recipes

130 gr. High protein flour
1 teaspoon salt
100 gr. Margarine
4 eggs Eggs
250 ml Water

Vla Oranges:
* I make pake size about kira2 *
500 ml of liquid milk
2-3 tablespoons custard powder
5 tablespoons cornstarch
80 gr sugar
1 tablespoon margarine
1 can of mandarin oranges, drained

1. Water, salt, butter, cooked until boiling
2. Enter the flour stirring until cooked. After the dough is cooked, then cooled
3. Then enter the eggs one at a time, stirring constantly until smooth
4. Syringe dough on baking sheet that has been margarine thinly
5. Bake in the oven to 180

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Steamed Blue Cake Recipes

Steamed Blue Cake Recipes


250 gr flour protein was + 1 tsp baking powder
200 gr sugar
2 eggs
250 ml coconut milk
1 tsp vanilla powder
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 tbsp emulsifier
red dye, blue * depending on existing stock ajah *


1.Campur all ingredients together. Whisk until thick and tread * if appointed mixernya leaving tread marks in the dough *.
2. For the three-part * or * as the desired color, give each color, stir well.
3. Heat the steamer, set up a pan that has been smeared with butter / oil.
4. Pour the batter alternating colors until they run out
5. Steam for approximately 45 minutes.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Prescription Cat Tongues SariUmbi

Prescription Cat Tongues SariUmbi

250 gr margarine
200 gr granulated sugar
100 gr egg (second item)
200 gt sariumbi purple flour

1. Beat margarine until creamy and smooth dula and pale aja .. ... not to inflate again enter the beaten eggs with average speed samapi rendh
2. Enter sariumbi a little flour, stirring until evenly
3. Put the mixture in a triangle bag, syringe above the pan which has a thin margarine dioles aja
4. Bake until cooked, the temperature of 160 degrees yesterday pake

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Sweet Bread Recipes Cilembu

Sweet Bread Recipes Cilembu

Sweet Dough:
1000 g sweet potato baking
30 g sugar
1 g ground cinnamon
150 g butter

Bread dough:
1000 g high protein flour
20 g instant yeast
4 g bread improver
15 g salt
150 g sugar
150 g sweet potato baking that has been roasted and mashed
100 g eggs
250 ml of liquid UHT milk
150 ml water
80 g butter
40 g shortening (butter and white)
2 egg yolks for sprinkling

Sweet Dough:
1. Roasted sweet potatoes in the oven until cooked and tender. Peel the skin, then puree. Cook sweet potatoes, sugar, cinnamon and butter, stirring, stirring until thick, remove, cool

1. put the flour, yeast, bread improver, sugar and salt in mixer bowl. Add sweet potatoes, eggs, milk and water mix at low speed until well blended. Turn off the mixer, put the butter and shortening, stirring again at medium speed until smooth
2. Remove dough from bowl mikser, then round it off istirahatkans adinan Over the five minutes until fluffy. Kempisakan dough to remove excess gas. Cut the dough and form round 50g. Over the 10-minute rest kembalis
3. Oleasi bottom of the pan with margarine. Take a sphere, pipihkan then fill with a teaspoon of sweet dough and close like emmbentuk pastels. after it rolls a bit and put on baking sheet
4. Let the batter until fluffy warm place 45 minutes (cover with a clean napkin or if any use the developer closet / cabinet proven). Brush the dough with egg yolks and let stand for 20 minutes until fluffy perfect
5. Preheat oven to 195 degrees Celsius, enter the pan in the oven bake for about 10 minutes.
6. Once cooked remove from oven, let cool on wire rack

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Roll Steamed Tiramisu

Roll Steamed Tiramisu Recipes

Material I:
7 egg yolks
4 egg whites
175 gr sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 tsp vanilla powder
8 ounces cake emulsifier

Materials II (Mix & Sift)
175 gr flour
1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder

Materials III (Melt)
50 gr butter
50 g margarine

Materials IV
1 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
2 tablespoons pasta tiramisu

Materials V (Vla)
3 egg yolks
40 g cake flour
350 ml of liquid milk
100 gr sugar
1 / 4 tsp vanilla powder
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 tsp pasta tiramisu
30 gr butter

1. Mix ingredients and beat until fluffy I became one and viscous
2. Enter a few Demis edikit II material until blended. Pour the ingredients stirring gently to level III, IV, add the ingredients mix well again
3. Adonana Pour into two pan sizes 30 * 30 * 2 cm who had dioles dengans edikit dialas oil and baking paper
4. Pengukus steamed in the pan for 15 minutes until cooked, remove, cool
5. V materials: Mix all ingredients together, strain. Then cook over apis edang until thickened and cooked through, remove and let cool
6. Take a fruit cake, basting circuitry vla until blended. Roll up solid, let stand briefly in refrigerator
7.Potong into pieces and serve

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Tofu Recipes rebel

Tofu Recipes rebel

1. 10 know who was the amount of fruit
2. cooking oil to taste

For the filling:

150 gr of peeled shrimp, cincant, saute briefly.
3 tablespoons chopped bamboo shoots
2 stalk celery, thinly sliced
2 stalk green onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced, fried
5 pcs red onion, thinly sliced, fried
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 tsp sugar

For the dough skin, mix together:

125 gr rice flour
2 tbsp corn starch
1 tsp coriander, toasted
3 cloves garlic
5 BTR hazelnut
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
250 cc coconut milk

How to Make:
1. Fry knows a bit dry, make a stroke on one side, remove the contents using a small spoon.

2. Mix the contents to know that at last remove the shrimp, celery, bamboo shoots, green onion, garlic, onion, and all seasonings. Knead until smooth. Fill in the know are already drilled earlier. Dip into the dough skin, then fried until cooked and dry skin.

This recipe was made for 10 units

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Bitterballen

Recipes Bitterballen


275 gr ground beef
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
4 tablespoons butter
120 gr flour sifter
375 ml of liquid milk
1 / 2 tsp nutmeg powder
2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
50 ounces grated cheddar cheese
2 eggs, beaten
Bread flour
Beef broth powder

How to Make:

1. Roasted minced meat until the water runs out, set aside
2. Saute bw.putih and bw. onions until smooth
3. Enter the flour gradually and mix well
4. Add milk gradually and stir until the flour blended with condensed milk and dough
5. Add the nutmeg powder, salt, sugar, pepper and beef bouillon powder
6. Enter mincemeat. Cook until well blended, turn off the heat
7. Add the cheddar cheese, stirring until cheese melts, lift
8. bulat2 meat dough forms (use plastic yes, because the dough quite sticky)
9. Roll into beaten eggs, then bread flour and apply
10. Fry until golden, lift
11. Bitterbalen ready to serve

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Bongko Mentor

Recipes Bongko Mentor


* 250 gr rice flour

* 2 eggs

* Salt to taste

* Water sufficiently + / - 500cc

* Thick coconut milk, salt lightly

To Content:

* Papaya, select fruit that is still white / white pumpkin

* 150 gr shredded cooked chicken meat

* 1 tsp coriander

* 1 / 2 tsp cumin

* 4 cloves garlic

* 4 pcs red onion

* 1 MTD galangal

* 1 MTD kencur

* 1 BTR hazelnut

* 1 / 2 tsp acid

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 / 2 tsp sugar

* 2 kaffir lime leaves lbr

* Pepper powder

* 125 cc coconut milk

How to Make:

1. Create an omelet: Beat eggs briefly, pour into the rice flour, salt lightly. Pour enough water while stirring until the dough is fairly liquid. Pour enough batter into a flat non-stick frying pan, and make the omelet.

2. Create content:

1. Finely mashed all the spices, except the galangal and kaffir lime leaves. Saute with a little oil until fragrant. Insert slices of papaya, chicken, galangal, and kaffir lime leaves, and cook, stirring briefly.


3. Ambl a griddle, place dough on it contents, then fold and roll like a spring roll.

4. Put on a piece of young banana leaves, pour 1 tbsp thick coconut milk on top. Wrap like a wrap gado-gado, Pin by a stick / biting. Do the same thing to finish, steamed until cooked and the leaves withered.

Recipes are made for less than 6 Wrap

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Otak-otak recipe

Otak-otak recipe


* 250 gr dagomg mackerel olam

* 1 egg white

* 2 tbsp corn starch

* 125 cc coconut milk

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper

* 6bh shallot puree

* 2 tablespoons finely chopped green onion

* Banana leaves to taste

For the vinegar sauce:

* 3 cloves garlic

* 3 BTR fried hazelnut

* 3 red chillies

* 1 tsp sugar

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 / 2 tablespoons vinegar

* A little boiled water

How to Make:

1. Puree the flesh of mackerel fish with salt. Add egg whites, mix well. Enter spices, corn flour, green onion, and coconut milk, stir well.

2. Prepare pusang leaves into squares, place 2 tablespoons of fish batter. Wrap, Pin by a stick. Do the same thing until the dough is finished.

3. Prepare a steamer and steam until cooked brains. Lift. Before serving can be roasted first.

4. Serve with vinegar sauce.

5. Create a vinegar sauce: Grind garlic, walnut, red pepper, sugar, and salt. Give the vinegar and boiled water, stir well.

For 10 pack

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Lumpia Recipe

Lumpia Recipe


For skin:

* 250 gr flour

* 250 cc water

* 1 egg white

* 1 teaspoon salt

For the filling:

* 1 / 2 kg of bamboo shoots, thinly sliced

* 250 gr minced chicken meat

* 50 grams of dried shrimp, rinsed puree

* 200 gr shrimp, peeled, thinly sliced

* 6 pcs shallots, thinly sliced

* 3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

* 3 stalk celery, thinly sliced

* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 / 2 tsp sugar

* 1 / 2 teaspoon seasoning flavor

* 1 / 2 tablespoons soy sauce

* 1 / 2 tablespoons soy sauce

* Cooking oil to taste

To complement:

* Pickled cucumber and chili sauce.

* Garlic sauce: Puree 2 cloves garlic, put sugar, salt, and vinegar to taste. Add a little boiled water and stir well.

* Sweet sauce: Dissolve 2 tablespoons corn starch with 150 cc of water. Cook over low heat until the liquid slurry, put slices of brown sugar and soy sauce, stir well.

How to Make:

1. For skin: Mix all ingredients average. Knead until can dipulung. Place a flat pan on the stove over low heat. Basting with oil, pour batter, a movement with a movement, then pull quickly. If the edges are dry, remove, place on a cutting board. Place a piece of banana leaves to prevent sticking.

2. Create content: heat 3 tablespoons oil in a skillet, saute the shrimp until fragrant. Enter minced shrimp and chicken, stir until no water. Lift. Remaining oil add 2 tbsp cooking oil again, to use for sauteing. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant, put bamboo shoots, stirring, until limp. Insert the meat and shrimp stir, put soy sauce, chicken stock 100cc, and all seasonings. Cook until dry, put the celery and stir well.
3. Take a piece of skin, place 1 tablespoon dough contents. Luipat, basting the edge of the fold with a liquid batter made from flour and water to be attached. Repeat until all dough is exhausted.

4. Fry spring rolls until cooked and colored kecklatan. Remove and drain. Serve with complement

For less than 10 units.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Ebi trays Recipes

Ebi trays Recipes


For top layer:

* 125 cc coconut milk

* A little salt

* 1 / 2 tbsp cornflour

* 1 tbsp rice flour

For bottom layer:

* 500 gr rice flour

* 125 gr starch

* + / - 750 cc liquid warm coconut milk

* 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

* A little salt

For the topping:

* 500 gr dried shrimp that have been finely ground

* 2 cloves garlic

* 2 kaffir lime leaves

* 1 red chilli

* Sugar and salt to taste

* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, for sauteing

How to Make:

1. Make the top layer: Mix the two kinds of flour and salt, then pour the stirred-santannya mix well, set aside.

2. Make topping: finely crushed all the spices and stir-fry until fragrant. Enter the dried shrimp, stirring constantly, until dry. Lift.

3. Create the bottom layer: Mix the two kinds of flour together, pour a little warm liquid coconut milk, stirring until dough is quite weak for dipulung, then knead. Melt the remaining coconut milk, sugar bubuhi sand and salt, mix well.

4. Heat a small molds for cakes in the steamer trays. Pour batter into the bottom layer molds are up to half a part. Steamed until cooked.

5. Pour the batter top with the top layer. Steam again until cooked. Lift. Sprinkle with topping ingredients. If the mold has cooled remove the riding.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Gogos

Recipes Gogos


500 gr glutinous rice
750 cc coconut milk

To batter the fish:

* 200 gr beef snapper, broiled, Suwir-Suwir

* 250 cc coconut milk

* 3 chilli pepper

* 3 onions

* 3 cloves garlic

* 2 BTR hazelnut

* 1 tsp coriander

* Salt and sugar to taste

* 1 pcs that are still green tomatoes, thinly sliced

* 1 tbsp cooking oil, for sauteing


1. Wash glutinous rice, soaked several hours, drain. Steamed until half cooked. Pour 375 cc of coconut milk that has been given a salt, stirring until blended. If santannya've sucked, and steamed until cooked.

2. Place on baking sheet that has been lined with banana leaves or plastic, then cut to pieces. Give stir fish thereon.

3. Create a stir fish: puree the ingredients except the tomatoes, then saute with a little oil along with sliced tomatoes that have been smoother. Pour the coconut milk, fish enter. Continue cooking while stirring occasionally until crispy.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Hunkwe Coconut Recipes

Hunkwe Coconut Recipes


1 pack of flour hunkwe (- / + 120 gr)
220 gr sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
960 ml coconut milk from a coconut
1 tsp mocha paste
pandan leaves, cut aslant
100 gr young coconut, rake width
The old banana leaves, for wrapping


1. Hunkwe Mix flour, sugar, salt and coconut milk. Cook, stirring frequently until meletup2. Mocha Add pasta, stir well
2. Take a piece of banana leaf. Give pandan leaves and coconut. Pour batter.
3. Wrap with banana leaves so bloated and waist

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Solo Sausage Recipes

Solo Sausage Recipes

Leather Material:

2 eggs, beaten off
200 gr flour
250 ml of liquid milk
250 ml water
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons vegetable oil

Material contents:

4 para bw.merah, chopped
4 bw.putih cloves, chopped
300 gr ground beef
1 stalk spring onion, chopped
50 ml thick coconut milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp coriander powder
1 / 2 tsp cumin powder
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 egg
3 tablespoons cooking oil

Lining material:

1 egg, beaten
25 ml water


Skin: Beat all ingredients until well blended. Grease a skillet with cooking oil, and create a thin omelette, 18-20 cm in diameter.

1. Heat oil and saute bw.merah bw. until fragrant white
2. Add ground beef, cook until the water dried
3. Add the remaining ingredients, except eggs, cook until done
4. Turn off the heat, then enter the beaten eggs and stir well.
5. The contents of each sheet of omelet with 2-3 tsp of filling material into a roll like a spring roll
6. Dip in coating materials, and fry until golden brown, lift
7. Solo Serve with chili Sausage

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Bread recipes (not) in tatters

Bread recipes (not) in tatters

600 g high protein flour
400 gr all-purpose flour
250 gr sugar
40 gr milk powder
35 gr instant yeast
15 gr salt
150 gr egg
370 ml water
140 gr margarine / butter

1. Mix all dry ingredients and stir well. Add egg, water and margarine, stirring until dough is smooth
2. Let the dough for 30 minutes until puffed, kempiskan dough, shape memankang
3. Cut the dough, weigh masing2 40gr. Round it off and let stand for 10 minutes. Flue gas with the dough deflates (crushed) then fill in according to taste, made in various forms.
4. Place in baking pan adinan round or rectangular baking dish that has been dioles margarine. Allow 60-90 minutes till expands. Brush the surface of the yolk premises
5.Masukkan into an already heated oven, at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes until cooked, remove from oven

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Pastel Milkfish Recipes

Pastel Milkfish Recipes


* 200 gr rice flour

* 1 chicken eggs

* 1 tablespoon margarine

* 125 cc liquid milk

* A little salt

Contents ragout milkfish:

* 200 gr milkfish Presto

* 2 tablespoons sliced carrots form a small square

* 1 tbsp finely chopped green onion

* 1 / 2 tablespoons finely chopped celery leaves

* 1 tablespoon chopped shallots

* Ground pepper to taste

* 1 / 2 tsp nutmeg powder

* Salt to taste

* 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, for sauteing


1. Create skin: Mix all ingredients, knead until smooth and not stick in hand. Milled to a thickness of 3 mm thin, then print using a mouth round glasses.

2. Make a ragout of milkfish:

1. Take the meat of milkfish presto, puree. Set aside

2. Saute onion until wilted, enter the green onion, stir. Enter the carrots, the meat of milkfish, and all seasonings. Pour a little water, stirring until the sauce is finished, then lift.

3. The contents of each sheet of skin with a ragout of milkfish, and then bend into a half moon. Press the edges with a fork so that lateral-lateral. Do the same thing to complete. Fry until crispy, remove from heat.


Because eggs are not the same size, while reserving a little milk mengadoni. If dough is still not enough to dipulung add a little milk.

This recipe was made for 10 fruit pastels

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Lalampa

Recipes Lalampa


* 500 g white glutinous rice

* 300 cc coconut milk from a coconut

* 1 teaspoon salt

For the filling:

* 350 gr ikantongkol meat / tuna fresh, clean

* 5 red chillies, finely sliced

* First knuckles ginger, puree

* 2 cloves garlic, mashed

* 1 teaspoon salt, and puree

* 2 pcs tomatoes, sliced

* 1 pandan leaf lbr

* 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed

* 125 cc coconut milk

* 10 lbr basil leaves, if any, thinly sliced

* 10 lbr basil leaves, thinly sliced

* 1 tbsp finely chopped Garlic chives

How to Make:

1. Rinse rice, soak several hours, drain. Steamed glutinous rice is half cooked, remove from heat. Give the coconut milk that has been given a salt, stir, let stand until milk is absorbed. Steamed again until cooked.

2. Create content:

1. Steam the fish until cooked meat, Suwir-Suwir flesh.

2. Heat 3 tablespoons oil, saute the spice puree until fragrant. Insert slices of tomato, lemon grass, sliced chili, pandan leaves, fish and meat.

3. Give thick coconut milk and cook, stirring frequently, until coconut milk is absorbed, enter the leaves that have been sliced and stir well. Lift.

3. Put a few tablespoons of the cooked sticky rice on a piece of banana leaf, give the contents, then roll like a rice cake the size of 15x3 cm. Hook both ends by a stick, coat the outside with a little oil, then roast until fragrant.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Panada

Recipes Panada

For the filling:

* 250 grams of tuna fish

* 1 tablespoon lemon juice

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* Sufficient amount of oil, for sauteing

* 3 pcs of red onion, thinly sliced

* 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

* 3 red chillies, finely sliced

* 3 lbr lime leaves

* A segment of ginger, crushed

* 1 stalk lemongrass, white part, crushed

* 50 g basil leaves

* Salt to taste

For skin:

* 350 gr wheat flour disc

* 1 teaspoon instant yeast

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 1 tablespoon granulated sugar

* 1 tablespoon margarine

* 125 cc lukewarm water

* 1 eggs

* Sufficient amount of oil, for frying


1. Create content:

1. Clean the fish, coat with lemon juice and salt. Let stand for 20 minutes. Bake until done, take the flesh, torn. Set aside.

2. Heat oil, saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Insert slices of chili pepper, stir. Enter the fish meat, jeruh leaves, ginger, lemongrass and basil leaf. Add salt, stir, remove from heat. Set aside.

2. Create skin:

1. Sift flour into a container, add yeast, salt, sugar, margarine, eggs, and water. Mix well and knead until smooth and not sticky at hand. Cover the container with a wet towel, leave for more than 20 minutes.

2. Tipiskan dough on a cutting board that has been dusted with flour. 8cm diameter circular print.

3. Fill the dough circle with 1 tablespoon filling material, fold in half by bringing the sides, fold-fold the sides or press with fork to jagged.

4. Fry in hot oil until cooked and light golden brown. Remove and drain.

For 10 fruit.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Native Recipes Sambal

Native Recipes Sambal


500 gr of white rice
250 gr of white glutinous rice
750 cc coconut milk from half coconut
salt to taste
banana leaves (for wrapping)

Buras sauce ingredients:

Grated coconut from half coconut
100 gr dried shrimp (dried shrimp), finely crushed
2 red chillies
2 para bw. red
1 clove bw. white
salt to taste
sugar to taste


1. Mix the rice with glutinous rice, wash, then drain. Place into a pan, pour coconut milk that has been spiked with salt. Cook until half cooked and coconut milk soak, aduk2, lift. Leave it for half an hour, then aduk2.
2. Take a piece of banana leaf, fill with 2 tablespoons of cooked rice, roll both ends like a bundle of banana cake. If all the rice was wrapped in, Put every two wrap, tie with string.
3. Boil until cooked kira2 domestic poultry three hours, then remove from heat. Talk to eat with chili

How to make chili talk to:

Mash all the ingredients finely, mix with grated coconut, and toasted until yellow. insert seasoning dried shrimp, aduk2 kept over low heat until crispy, remove from heat.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Heci

Recipes Heci


* 125 g small shrimp wet

* 125 g bean sprouts

* 250 gr rice flour

* 2 tablespoons finely chopped Garlic chives

* 2 tsp coriander

* 2 cloves garlic

* 1 MTD kencur

* A little salt

* 1 tsp whiting

* Oil for frying

For the sauce:

* 6 chilli pepper

* A little granulated sugar

* 2 cloves garlic

* 125 cc water shrimp

* Vinegar to taste

* 3 tablespoons soy sauce

* 2 tablespoons chopped celery

How to Make:

1. Rinse shrimp, discard the head, set aside.

2. Puree cilantro, garlic, kencur, salt, and whiting. Mix with rice flour and pour a few tablespoons of water until the dough is fried bananas. Enter the bean sprouts and Garlic chives and stir well.

3. Heat the oil in a skillet. 2-3 Provide a flat ladle. If the oil is hot, dip the ladle into it flat. Pour + / - heci tablespoon dough, give them wet tail 3-4, and enter into the hot oil. If the dough heci already half-cooked, lift and remove it from the ladle. Continue baking until done, do the same until the dough is finished. Remove, cut into four. Eaten while warm with the sauce.

4. Make sauce: grind smooth cayenne pepper, sugar, and garlic. Pour the shrimp water, vinegar, and soy sauce. Enter the celery leaves. Heci spicy soup should taste fresh and slightly acid

Recipes are made for less than 15 units.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Durian Pudding Caramel Sauce

Durian Pudding Caramel Sauce

800 ml of liquid milk
200 grams of durian without seeds
115 gr sugar
1 / 4 teaspoon salt
1 1 / 2 pack of agar-agar powder
1 egg yolk
4 drops of yellow coloring

Sauce ingredients:
200 gr sugar
400 ml hot water
30 gr sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolve it with 1 tbsp water

1. Durian blender with some milk until smooth. Boil blenderan durian, the remaining milk, sugar, salt, agar2 and yellow dye. Aduk2 to pop-letup.
2. Take a little batter, pour into egg yolks, mix well. Input again into the stew pudding. Boil, stirring frequently, until boiling.
3. Enter the yellow coloring and stir well. Pour into baking pan, freeze.

How to make the sauce:
1. Gosongkan some sugar, pour water and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the remaining sugar, bring to a boil.
2. Thicken with cornstarch solution. Boil again, stirring frequently, until meletup2.
3. Serve pudding with caramel sauce.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Cookie Cookie Mania

Cookie Cookie Mania


2 1 / 2 cup flour in sifter
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsalted butter (Anchor brand), softened
1 cup brown sugar
1 / 2 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla
6 ounces chocolate chips
1 cup walnuts, chopped coarse.

1. Preheat oven (170 degrees). Mix the flour, baking soda and salt. Stir with a spoon cake.

2. Mix together butter, brown sugar, and granulated sugar in another container with a medium-speed mixer until the batter is light and fluffy. Enter also the eggs and vanilla. After that enter the flour mixture into butter mixture. Mixer until blended evenly.

3. Enter a choco-chips & walnuts. Stir with spoon until blended.

4. Flat dots forms a diameter of 5cm or more dough baking paper, then put some choco-chips thereon. Tip: give a 3cm distance between the dots, so that when the dough is not sticking together expands.

5. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until cookies are golden brown periphery. Remove, and let stand 5 minutes until its crispy cookies evenly.

6. Lift and serve

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Meat Loaf Mushroom Sauce Recipe

Meat Loaf Mushroom Sauce Recipe

Raw Meat Loaf:

350 gr minced meat
5 lbr white bread without the skin, thickness of approximately 1 1 / 2 cm
150 cc of milk
50 gr onion, grated
1 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 / 2 tsp fine nutmeg
1 / 2 eggs, beaten off

Mushroom Sauce:

1 tbsp butter / margarine
125 cc of milk
100 grams of canned mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 / 4 teaspoon salt
1 / 4 teaspoon pepper
1 tbsp plain flour

How to Make:

Meat Loaf

Boil the onion in the milk until cooked, remove from heat, stirring constantly, until the bread broken, chill.

Combine remaining ingredients, pour in a pan smeared margarine, cover with baking paper / aluminum foil.

Steamed until cooked, cool. Fried with butter until browned, cut into pieces.

Mushroom Sauce

Melt margarine, flour, stir, pour the milk, stirring until smooth. Enter the salt, pepper and mushrooms. Serve meat loaf with boiled vegetables and sauce

This recipe was made for 80-10 pieces of bread.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Bongko Bread Recipes

Bongko Bread Recipes


10 lbr bread was skinned, cut into 6
600 cc coconut milk from a coconut
3 eggs
50 gr sugar
200 gr brown sugar, sliced thin, for 10 parts
2-3 young coconuts, Spoon meat
- Pandan leaves, cut into pieces
1 teaspoon salt
- Banana leaves for wrapping

For 10 Wrap:

1. Stir eggs, milk, salt and sugar until sugar has dissolved. Take 2 lbr banana leaf, give 1-2 pieces pandan leaves, 1 / 10 parts sugar, 6 slices white bread, and 1-2 tablespoons kelama puda, pour approximately 100 cc coconut milk mixture. Wrap, and steamed until cooked.

2. For variety add chopped jackfruit / durian cooked in coconut milk.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Bread Pizza Recipe

Bread Pizza Recipe


10 pieces of white bread without the skin, rubbing one surface with butter, and bake 5 minutes with medium heat.

5 tbsp tomato sauce from a bottle
150 gr grated mozzarella cheese / Gruyere or other

Topping ingredients:

1 tablespoon cooking oil
100 g mushrooms, thinly sliced
2 green chillies, seeded and thinly sliced
2 red chillies, seeded and thinly sliced
100 grams bacon, cut into squares 1 cm / sausage cut into thin
100 gr onion, roughly chopped

- Oregano, if there

How to Make:

Saute onions, red and green peppers and mushrooms until softened, put the bacon / sausage and oregano, and cook until cooked. Brush the surface of bread with tomato sauce, garnish with the sauteed ingredients, sprinkle with cheese. Bake until the cheese is melted and vegetables are cooked. Serve hot.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Fry Bread Recipes

Fry Bread Recipes


10 pieces of bread without skin, cut two
3 eggs separated
100 cc milk
1 / 4 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 / 2 tsp cinnamon powder

How to Make:

Stir eggs, milk, sugar and cinnamon until the sugar has dissolved. Dip bread piece by piece in the mixture, fried on a flat pan with 1 tbsp butter / margarine until browned. Add butter / margarine as needed

When served hot, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons powdered sugar mixture and 1 / 2 tsp cinnamon powder. When eaten cold, apply fruit jam.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Fish Recipes Bread Roll

Fish Recipes Bread Roll


Layers of Fish:

450 g of fish meat, minced
75 gr onion, chopped
2 tsp ginger finely chopped / grated
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 tsp sugar
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 tbsp plain flour
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tsp sesame oil

How to Make:

1. Stir fry ginger with 2 tbsp cooking oil until browned, put onions until fragrant. Enter the fish, fish sauce, oyster sauce, sugar and pepper. Stir until fish is cooked, sprinkle flour, stir until cooked, put the sesame oil and lemon juice and stir well.

2. Take a piece of bread, dough, spread 1-2 tablespoons of fish, dense rolls. Dip the whisk 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons water, roll on 75 gr cornstarch which given 1 / 4 teaspoon pepper, and 1 / 2 tsp salt. Fry until golden brown.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Strawberry Jam Bread Recipes

Strawberry Jam Bread Recipes


12 MTD bread with skin
5 tablespoons strawberry jam
3 tablespoons butter / margarine
3 eggs
100 gr sugar
500 cc of milk

How to Make:

1. Brush the bread with butter and jam, stacks facing each other. Cut the crepe. Put in a heat proof dish that has been in the basting butter.

2. Beat eggs with sugar, pour the milk, stirring until dissolved. Pour over the bread. Bake or steam until cooked. Serve hot or cold.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Bread Recipes Cooking Layers

Bread Recipes Cooking Layers


* 10 MTD bread without skin

* 200 gr shrimp, chopped

* 250 gr chicken meat, minced

* 1 tbsp coriander leaves and roots, chopped

* 1 teaspoon minced garlic

* 1 tablespoon chopped shallots

* 3 tablespoons thinly sliced green onions

* 1 tbsp fish sauce

* 1 egg, beaten

* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper

How to Make:

1. Stir all ingredients together until blended. Rub on all surfaces 1cm thick bread. Cut 4.

2. Heat the oil, put the existing parts of the meat first, fry until cooked, turn and fry until browned.

Drain. Serve with chili sauce from a bottle.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Bread Recipes Banana Cake

Bread Recipes Banana Cake


* 10 MTD bread without skin

* 500 cc coconut milk

* 175 grams of brown sugar, sliced thin

* 50 gr sugar

* 2 lbr pandan leaves

* 1 / 2 teaspoon salt

* 3 tablespoons rice flour

* 5 pcs plantain old and mature, each split second

* 10 MTD pandan leaves @ 6 cm

* Banana leaves to wrap

1. Boil the coconut milk, sugar, salt and pandan leaves. Enter your bread and rice flour, remove from fire, break the bread.

2. Take a piece of banana leaf, give a piece of pandanus leaf, place 1-2 tablespoons of dough, place a piece of banana on top, cover with bread dough, Roll up both ends of the leaf is folded into the middle. Steamed until cooked. Trim the leaves, serve after chilling.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Alphabet Nut cookies

Alphabet Nut cookies


* 150 grams cold unsalted butter

* 1 / 4 teaspoon salt

* 100 grams of sugar flour

* 2 egg yolks

* 100 grams of shelled peanuts, roasted, mashed, and cooled

* 175 grams of cake flour

* 30 grams of cornstarch

* 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder

Glasur Material:

1 egg white *

* 150 grams of sugar flour

* 1 / 2 teaspoon lemon juice

* 1 drop of pink dye

* 1 drop of blue dye

* 2 drops of yellow coloring

How to Make:

One. Beat the unsalted butter, salt, sugar and flour 30 seconds. Add the egg yolks. Beat well.

2. Enter peanuts. Stir well. Add flour, cornstarch, and baking powder sifted with

and mix evenly.

3. Milled thin-thick dough 1 / 2 cm. Print form letters. Place on baking sheet that dioles margarine.

4. Oven 20 minutes with a temperature of 150 degrees centigrade. Chill.

5. Glasur: beat the egg whites until half expands. Add powdered sugar a little as she whipped until thick. Insert the lemon juice. Beat well.

6. For four parts. One part of the pink dye added, one section added a blue dye, a colorant added kunig part, and the rest is left white.

7. Rub it with glasur. Rate motif thereon. Let dry.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Grilled Cheese Bread Recipe

Grilled Cheese Bread Recipe


* 12 slices white bread, without skin

* 500 cc milk

* 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper

* 75 g onion, chopped

* 150 grams bacon, chopped

* 50 ounces grated cheese, for topping

* - Salt if necessary

How to Make:

* Arrange the bread on a hot dish that has been smeared with butter / margarine. Stir all ingredients until smooth. Pour over bread, sprinkle with remaining grated cheese. Bake until cooked through and browned. Serve hot.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Sausage Bread Roll Recipes

Sausage Bread Roll Recipes


10 lbr bread without skin
10 pcs sausage hot dogs, slices of circular
100 gr margarine, melted


Three tablespoons of mayonnaise
1 tablespoon chili sauce / tomato sauce
1 teaspoon chopped parsley
100 gr grated cheese

How to Make:

Mix the ingredients spreads, dab on the surface of bread. Place sausage on top, brought together the two corners of bread, give the hook to keep open

Put all in pan basting yanga in margarine, rub the surface with butter / margarine. Bake until the bread dry. Lift, take sematnya, serve hot.

This recipe was made for 10 pieces of bread.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Cheese Bread Recipes Crunchy

Cheese Bread Recipes Crunchy


10 lbr bread, skinless, cut into 4
50 gr butter / margarine
150 gr grated cheese
1 clove garlic, mashed
2 tsp chopped parsley

How to Make:

Beat butter with garlic until soft, put parsley.
Apply to each slice of bread, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake until dry.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Croquette Bread Recipes

Croquette Bread Recipes

10 lbr bread without skin
400 cc of milk
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 beaten egg a minute
panir powder to taste

Material Content: / b>
150 gr chicken meat, minced
100 g carrots, cut into small dice
50 ounces button mushrooms, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons of thinly sliced celery stalks
50 gr onion, chopped
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 4 teaspoon pepper
1 / 4 tsp fine nutmeg
1 tablespoon margarine for sauteing
1 tbsp plain flour

Contents: / b>
Tumus onion until translucent, put chicken meat, carrots and mushrooms, stirring until the water boiled and raw meat out, put celery and spices. Sprinkle flour stirred smooth. Lift chill.

How to Make:
Stir in milk, eggs, salt, and pepper. Dip a piece of bread, pick up the tap-tap with a fork so that a bit dry. Fill with 2-3 tsp of dough content, fold in half, press the edges to stick. Dip in a beaten egg and 1 tablespoon of liquid grandchildren, and roll in flour panir. Fry in hot oil until browned, remove from heat.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Layer bread Mushroom Chicken

Layer bread Mushroom Chicken


15 pieces of bread shell
200 cc of warm milk
1 / 4 tsp fine nutmeg
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
- Salt to taste
- To taste flour panir

Chicken layer:

250 gr chicken meat, minced
150 g button mushrooms, thinly sliced
3 red chillies, seeded and thinly sliced
Bh 1 onion, finely
2 tbsp plain flour
125 cc of milk / broth
1 / 2 tsp curry finely
1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt

How to Make:

1. Saute the onion in 2 tablespoons margarine until translucent, enter the mushrooms and chicken, stirring until changes color, pour the milk and other ingredients, except flour. After cooked, sprinkle flour, stir well. Remove, set aside.

2. Mix the warm milk and salt and pepper, and nutmeg, dip the bread piece by piece, set in a heat-resistant dish that has been spread with margarine. Give the top layer of chicken mixture. Do so until the dough runs out, and most of the layers of bread. Sprinkle flour panir, give small butter grains at some places. Bake until browned.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Caramel Bread Recipes

Caramel Bread Recipes


12 pieces of bread with skin, cut into 4
50 gr butter / margarine
Bh 1 apple, peeled, cut into 1cm dice
100 gr raisins, wash drain
175 gr sugar
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
50 gr sugar
Milk 500 cc, dissolve it with granulated sugar
1 tsp cinnamon powder

How to Make:

1. Jerangkan sugar in a skillet over low heat until charred, water and sprinkle with lemon juice, stir well, pour in the hot dish.

2. Brush the bread with butter / margarine, put some bread in the dish containing the caramel.

3. Sprinkle some raisins and apples. Place the remaining slices of bread on top, sprinkle remaining raisins and apples. Pour the milk mixed with cinnamon and bake until browned.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments