Chocolate Souffle Recipes

Chocolate Souffle Recipes

# 250 ml of liquid milk
# 125 grams of cooking chocolate / chocolate block
# 1sdm cornstarch
# 2 tbsp plain flour
# 4 of egg white grains
# 4 egg yolks
# 60 grams butter
# 80 grams sugar
# Powdered sugar to decorate


1. Melt the chocolate block, milk and sugar over low heat until chocolate is melted and boiling, then remove from heat.
2. Exhausting the butter, add cornstarch and flour, stirring until blended.
3. Beat the egg whites until stiff using an electric mixer, after rigid enter the egg yolks one at a time until well blended.
4. Pour melted chocolate that has been into the egg mixture, stirring until blended.
5. Enter the last batter to the pan / heat resistant bowls, then put it in the oven and bake in a temperature of 180 degrees C for 45 minutes. Lift.
6. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Serves 10 cups @ 200 ml

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

Ingredients A:
6 eggs
125 gr sugar
1 tsp emulsifier
225 flour
25 gr milk powder
150 gr melted butter

Material B:
150 gr melted chocolate block

Ingredients C:
300 gr cream cheese * cheddar cheese asilnya use the whipped with fresh milk *, beat until smooth

kecil2 cut raisins or dates

1. Prepare a square baking pan, basting with butter thinly
2.Kocok eggs, sugar and emulsifier till white and thick
3. Enter tepug flour, powdered milk and dates, mix well
4. Enter the melted butter, mix well
5.BAgi 2 batter, one part of melted chocolate mixed with one part .. again mixed with cream cheese
6.Tuang chocolate batter in pan, then pour batter evenly distribute the cheese .... To use the effects of zebra .. turn the skewer-played in the mixture
7.Panggang with a temperature of 180 degrees C till cooked
8. Cut cooked ...

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Noodle Recipes Schotel Oyan

Noodle Recipes Schotel Oyan

1 packet dried egg noodles * 3 pieces of content so .... weighs about 200gr *, flush with hot water .. let it drain, soft ...
5 medium size eggs, shake off
200 cc milk
100 gr beef / chicken / tuna chopped
1 large carrot sticks or 2 small chopped fine ..
3 thinly sliced leeks
1 onion finely sliced
1sdm margarine
pepper, nutmeg, salt to taste

1 egg beaten off
panir flour
oil for frying

1. Heat the butter, saute onion until fragrant, add minced meat stir briefly, remove from fire
2. Place the noodles, eggs, milk, carrots, green onion, minced meat and onions, put pepper, salt and nutmeg powder
3. Stir well
4. Prepare the pan size 20 * 20 spread with margarine or cooking oil
5. Prepare a steamer, let the water boil
6. Pour batter in pan, steamed until cooked. Chill
7. Once chilled, cut into pieces .. dip in beaten egg ... roll in flour panir ... fried till golden brown
8. Serve ....

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Steamed Brownies Recipes

Steamed Brownies Recipes


Wheat flour 200 grams triangle
400 grams granulated sugar
8 eggs
1 / 2 cans sweetened condensed milk chocolate
300 ml cooking oil *
1 / 2 bottle of pasta Mocca
1 / 2 ounces cocoa powder
1 / 2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tbsp SP
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
brown rice / messes sufficiently


1.Ayak flour, cocoa powder and set aside SP.
2.Kocok eggs and sugar until dissolved enter the dry ingredients stir well, add condensed milk, pasta Mocca, vanilla and salt,
last enter the cooking oil, mix, divided into two dough.
3.Masukkan in size 22x22 cm baking pan that has been dioles margarine thin and covered with baking paper.
4.Masukan first batter, steam for 15 minutes over low heat,
after a dry surface sprinkled with the messes, sprinkle with crushed almond pieces that already .. enter the second batter,
5.Kukus + / - 30 minutes or until cooked.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Recipes Nagasari Cut

Recipes Nagasari Cut


200 gr rice flour
3 tbsp corn starch farm
375 ml water
Rather thick coconut milk 650 ml
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 lbr pandan leaves, shredded, conclude
4 pieces of plantain, steamed briefly envied 1 cm ..


1. Cover a baking pan with banana leaves until past the edge of steam trays ready ... .. set aside
2. Stir the rice flour, corn starch, and water
3. Boil and stir in coconut milk with salt, sugar and pandan. Add the solution of the flour, stirring until boiling and exploding-letup. Discard pandan leaf, stir bananas enter
4. Pour into greased adonana. Flatten the dough with the back of a spoon or a small piece of banana leaf. Cover with a piece of banana leaf
5. Steamed until cooked more or less 20 minutes

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments

Ubee Roll Cake Recipe

Ubee Roll Cake Recipe

7 egg yolks BTR
4 egg whites BTR
80 gr sugar
1 tbsp emulsifier
1 tbsp milk powder
60 gr purple flour sariumbi
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tbsp water

65 gr butter, melted margarine can optionally * *

blueberries jam ... strawberries may also

1. Prepare a roll pan, smear margarine tipis2, dialas baking paper for easy time taking them off.

2. Preheat Oven

3. Beat all ingredients except butter, beat until the whites expands.

4. Enter stir butter ..

5. Pour batter into greased,

6. Bake approximately 20 minutes

7. Once cooked lift .. .. feedback on a paper bread / butter spread a clean napkin ... .. then on the roll ....

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments