
Ingredients :

* 150 g beef
* 50 g spinach
* 50 g glass noodles
* 50 g spring onions
* 100g white out
* 50 g ear fungus
* 50 g of bamboo shoots
* Sukiyaki sauce

How to Make:

* Beef cut thin. Spinach cleaned, glass noodles doused hot water. Sloping cut scallions, thinly cut bamboo shoots. Ear fungus warm water soaking. White knew digongso with a little oil (so as not destroyed).

* Sukiyaki Sauce:
o 1 / 5 liter Kikkoman shoyu
o 1 / 2 liter mirin
o granulated sugar 1 sm
o 5 g seasonings
o 1 cup sake

All blended and bring to a boil, but do not be too long. to avoid burning.

* Heat the pan with some butter (fat cow better). Enter your vegetables gradually above (alternating with beef) and flush with the sauce (little by little). If you have cooking can be enjoyed immediately.

by ELVI NURLAILI. No Comments