Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Steamed Fruit Cake Recipe

Steamed Fruit Cake Recipe

Material I:
150 gr butter
150 gr margarine
10 gr cake emulsifier
220 gr brown sugar
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 tsp vanilla powder

Material II:
4 eggs Antero

Materials III (mixed & daddy):
300 g high protein flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon seasoning spekuk

Materials IV:
180 ml evaporated milk

V Materials:
500 g mixed fruit
50 grams of red cherries, cut two
50 gr green cherries, cut two

1. Mix and shake Materials I become one until fluffy and white
2. Enter the second ingredient one at a time until mixed
3. Enter Bana III and IV in turn until well blended. Add ingredients V bit by bit slowly with a spatula until flat
4. Pour into greased 28 cm diameter tulban that has been smeared with a little oil and lined with baking paper
5. Steam for 1 hour until cooked

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