Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Orange Pudding Recipe

Orange Pudding Recipe

White layer:
1 packet agar-agar powder
Whip cream 350 ml
400 ml milk
100 gr sugar
essens vanilli

Yellow Lapis:
1 packet agar-agar powder
1 can of mandarin oranges (I use the brand of thieves), a blender briefly with water, add boiled water up to 400ml
150 ml water
150 gr sugar

White pudding:
1. Mix and dissolve milk, gelatin, vanilla, simmer, stirring frequently.
2. Put the sugar, stir until dissolved and boil remove from heat, set aside for a moment
3. Give whip cream and stir well.
4. Keadalam mold castings
5. Set aside

Yellow Pudding:
1. Combine juice, agar-agar and water, bring to a boil while stirring, put the sugar stirring until dissolved, remove from fire
2. Pour over pudding layer of white that has begun to harden
3. Chill
4. Ready to serve

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